Dr. Navarro has retired and now refers patients to his protégé Dr. Al-Misky. Click here for details.
212-888-8688 | 800-300-VEIN | 212-249-6117
910 Fifth Avenue (cross street: 72nd) New York, NY 10021
Breast Veins
The sight of blue veins on a women’s breast can be troublesome. These veins are blueish in appearance and varying in size on the surface of the breast in continuation with chest veins. After breast implant surgery, breast veins can become even more visible, marring the breasts' appearance.
Occasionally, women may find spider veins or broken capillaries underneath their breasts. Almost all of these breast veins can be eliminated, with excellent cosmetic results with sclerotherapy treatment.

The Vein Treatment Center
910 Fifth Avenue
Ground Floor (cross street: 72nd)
New York, NY 10021
Contact Form